Buggy Love Organic Stroller Cleaning Products Review

How you get your Buggy Love--SO cute!

ALL our strollers get yucky. And usually, they get yucky FAST.  We were able to try out Buggy Love and enjoyed how sweet and customer-service oriented they were! Plus, their safe and organic products gave us a clean stroller AND peace of mind!

INSIDE the cute box of goodies!

In the box you get some amazing products! 
Fresh Love--an "all over" freshening mist--we use this weekly now!
Polish Love--for the frame of the stroller
Fabric Love--we LOVE LOVE LOVE THIS product. We used it on the infant car seat and straps for our travel stroller system.
Wheel Love--use it on your wheels!

The products are EASY to use, have simple directions and are a nice addition to ANY baby shower or gift for a new mom.  The spit-up smell was IMMEDIATELY removed from our travel system car seat with the Fabric Love spray.  (I recently washed the whole section of the car seat, too--but sometimes babies spit up and you don't see it!)

This is now a MUST HAVE in our books for all our pregnant and mommy friends.  We plan to include it in all the baby shower gifts coming up.  It's just too amazing NOT to share!

Fresh Love was used in addition to Fabric Love on the travel system!
Our shiny new-stroller-smell stroller! Its ready for the road and my kiddo!


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  2. Umbrella strollers are included in the lightweight baby stroller category. This category includes all strollers under 15lbs that are sometimes referred to as umbrella strollers. An umbrella baby stroller is a light weight stroller that has two U-shaped handles and folds in on itself. Some light weight strollers fold flat and do not fit the classification. find more
