Billy Graham & Me Review and Giveaway

We love Chicken Soup for the Soul, and this book about Billy Graham is inspiring and uplifting. As a Chicken Soup for the Soul Blogger, we received this amazing new book to review and just love it!

Billy Graham is well know as being an evangelist in the United States. This book highlights him from those that knew him. With stories from leaders such as Tony Blair and Bill Clinton, and celebrities such as Johnny Cash and Kathy Ireland, this book remembers a great man who changed the landscape of Christianity in America.

Whether you love Billy Graham or not, I think you will find inspiration from the book based on his works and words, and the telling of them from people that knew him.
MamaBreak received a copy of the book to review here on the website. We did not receive any other type of compensation. As always, our experiences and opinions are our own. 

Check out more about the book at:

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  1. I remember his Crusades.

    allibrary (at) aol (dot) com

  2. I remember watching him preach on TV.He's a kind and wonderful man of God.Thank you for the great giveaway! :)

  3. I remember watching him as a kid and liking his voice.

  4. He was a dynamic speaker, that lead thousands of people to the Lord

  5. i remember watching him on tv with my family

  6. Dorothy Walters

    His honest love of GOD. His sensarity in wanting us all to come to know Jesus.

  7. I was just wondering would you consider putting the dates on when the giveaways end next to them? It would help everyone I'm sure.Thank you :)

  8. Thank you, Reverend Graham, for your good example of how to live the Christian life. I attended all of your Denver Crusades in 1986. What a blessing you are to so many. Blessings to you on 2013 Resurrection Day!

  9. I remember watching him minister on tv

  10. I remember he and his wife had something to do with the NICU at a hospital in Asheville NC and while my daughter stayed in that NICU, his wife was having her photo made with a few of the infants (mine included)...he was supposed to be there but he was sick...she was the sweetest lady!

  11. his extreme unselfish devotion to our Lord

  12. I remember his being on TV preaching in what he believes. He had a kind and gentle nature to him.

  13. I remember seeing him on TV as well as eventually reading his books and listening to tapes/cd's of him. He's a powerful and anointed minister.
