Burlap and Grace Review

If you are looking for adorable hair accessories for the holidays, then Burlap & Grace is your place!

Burlap & Grace is a company local to my area, and they have the cutest hair accessories and hats!
I was lucky enough to win one of their adorable headbands during one of their giveaways they hold on their Facebook page.

Featuring feathers and rhinestones, my little one LOVES it!

Check out everything Burlap&Grace has to offer on their Facebook page:

Be on the lookout for a MamaBreak hosted giveaway . . . Coming soon!

MamaBreak won the above item. We are sharing our experiences to inform our audience about this brand, and we were not required to post a review as a part of winning. As always, our opinions and experiences are our own. 

1 comment:

  1. Thank you MamaBreak for the great review!! I am really looking forward to the upcoming giveaway!
