Mama Monday Presents Usborne Books & More

Each Monday we are going to feature a new business that is mom or dad owned! We love to give small businesses a chance for more people to see them, so please consider visiting their shops! This week we are featuring Veronica, a representative of Usborne Books & More.
Usborne Books Customer Specials
1. What inspired you to start as a Usborne Books consultant?

  I was inspired to become an Usborne Books & More consultant because I saw many other moms around me who had an outlet and I wanted one too! I love being a stay-at-home mom but felt like it was time to start a new adventure, one that fulfilled the business side without compromising my stay-at-home mom desire. There are many home based businesses to choose from but the choice was easy for me. When I was pregnant with my first child (who is now 2.5), a family member sent me a collection of Usborne books. I loved them right away but loved them even more after my son was born and saw how much he loved to interact with the books. They quickly became favorites and continue to be 2.5 years later. When I began thinking about a home based business, Usborne was the first to pop in to my mind and the rest is history!

2. How do you balance work and family?

I have found the balance between work and family fairly easy with Usborne Books & More. I do most of my computer work when the kids are napping or at night. As for product knowledge, it is fun because I learn about the books as I read them to my! Home shows are great because it gets me out of the house (without kids) and I am able to interact with adults while sharing about something I love and think is so super important...books, reading, literacy! Another great aspect to the business is the ability to host Facebook parties from my couch in my jammies after the kids are in bed. My husband doesn't mind because he gets to watch whatever he wants on TV while I am partying on Facebook. My family is my first priority, the business second...I have to remind myself of that every now and then when I have a million work related things going through my mind. I have found it helpful to keep a pen and paper nearby and jot down what needs to be done for later. That way, I know it will not be forgotten and I can focus on my kids again.

3. What advice would you give to other women starting their own company?

  I think the number one thing a woman needs when starting a business is passion! I feel like most everything else falls into place if you are passionate about what you are doing. Don't be afraid to take the plunge and go for it! Put enough pressure on yourself to stay motivated but not too much that you will get burnt out. Find a friend who will commit to keeping you upbeat and encourage you along the way, offering advice and support. It is important to have a cheerleader, someone who believes in you and will be your number one fan. This works both ways, maybe you have a friend in a similar situation that needs a cheerleader, offer to be that person. It is easy to be discouraged in the very beginning, perhaps your first show didn't have a great outcome, maybe your friends are not showing the support you thought they would, maybe it is taking longer than expected for the rewards to start rolling in...stick with it and keep going, before you know it you will be on a roll!

4. Who has inspired you most?

 Apart from the inspiration of my working mom friends, I have been greatly inspired by my family! My mom and sister are both incredibly talented. They have the gifts of creativity and craftiness. They have both taken their talents to the next level by writing blogs and opening Etsy shops. They have been courageous enough to take the next steps and see where they lead. I am not the creative, crafty type so I needed to find a different type of outlet. I am passionate about children's books and feel literacy is extremely important for the future of our children and society. My mom and sister have inspired me in many ways throughout my life so it was no surprise when they encouraged me to take the plunge of starting a business!

5. Is there any exciting news about your business that you want to share?

 There are so many things I love about Usborne Books & More! As a customer, I love the 1,600 + titles they offer and the incredible quality. In addition to that, as a consultant, I love the benefits, flexible schedule and no monthly minimum requirements. Usborne Books & More is celebrating it's 25th anniversary this year! I have met several people who used Usborne books while homeschooling their children years ago...they are now super excited to buy them for their grandchildren! One lady even saved her books for 20 years to pass down to her sweet! There are so many options: books for ages 0-17, puzzles, doodling and activity books, sticker books, ebooks and much more! As our Mission Statement reflects, "The future of our world depends on the education of our children. We deliver educational excellence one book at a time. We provide economic opportunity while fostering strong family values. We touch the lives of children for a lifetime."

Please spend some time taking a look at what Usborne Books & More has to offer you …
… if you find some books you like, please place an order.
… if you found many, consider hosting a home show or an e-show to get them for free or ½ price.
… if you found that this just may be the business you've always dreamed of, you can Join Today!

I would love for you to visit my website and 
Facebook page 

A big THANK YOU to MamaBreak for inviting me to be part of Mama Monday!!!

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