SugarBash Review, Spoilers, and Coupon Code

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Who is ready for an ALL, NEW subscription box? We were so excited to receive our first SugarBash box for review and it is finally here! SugarBash is only $25, but promises a value of $60 or more! We received the box from December and LOVE it!
This month the theme hint is, "You will want this box for your spring break adventure or your spring getaway." The perfect hint for us since we are gearing up for a nice, sunny vacation in Florida next weekend! It is a Road Trip box, and you can still purchase it!We know we will be after seeing this fantastic December box

SugarBash December Box Review

As always, for values we primarily use Amazon, unless a price is not available through them. We believe this gives us an overall view of approximate value of the box on a realistic level. The links below will bring you to the location where the value was found.
  • Beautiful Life from Dianne Reeves CD, Amazon price $14.96: I am always looking for new music, so I was excited to see this included!
  • PK-4 Picture Keeper (4,000 photo capacity), Amazon price $29.99: I LOVE LOVE LOVE this item. I JUST lost my cell phone and I think I lost all of my photos as well (hoping I can restore them from the cloud). My husband was just saying to me that I needed to start backing up photos on something more stable than my phone (over 1000 photos on it), or my computer (a couple thousand more). I have tons of different memory cards laying around with photos too! This came at the perfect time to organize all of my photos!
  • Helios Self Tanning Towel, Amazon price $16.57: Hooray! I leave in 8 days for Florida and my body has not seen the sun in almost ten months, so I needed to get a tan! I cannot wait to try this out! It has fairly good reviews on Amazon too! 
  • KeraCare Edge Tamer 2.3oz (65g), Amazon price $9.45: So excited for this. As you all know, my hair is VERY straight, but I always have these hairs sticking up right at the hair line, causing my smooth hair to look frizzy. This is the product to tame those edges right at the hairline!
  • Kuhn Rikon 3-Set Original Swiss Peeler, Red/Green/Yellow, Amazon sells a set of 3 for $9.99 making this a $3.33 value (which is actually a really super price). This is a fantastic little peeler that I have already used! I like this little addition because my peelers are always getting dull, and it is nice to have a new one!
  • Cotton Refreshment Towels from White Towel Services, Web value $3.00 (total for the 4 received). I really like these towels. I know I got some from a box a few months ago, but I long since used those! I use these for traveling just to refresh my face during and after the flight and they are incredibly soothing! I strongly recommend placing a few in your carry-on for your next trip!
So, the total value of the box was:  $77.30 !!! That is an incredible value for a box that is only $25! Even better, SugarBash is really different from other box companies! First, they promise to include FULL SIZED and deluxe sample sizes from a variety of companies. There is a theme for each box and they send out surveys to their customers to get even more feedback to create even more perfect boxes!

Even better? Use code mamabreak to get $5 off this month's box which will be the Road Trip theme!

Just check out SugarBash to get your own road trip started!  Remember to use the coupon code: mamabreak

MamaBreak received a box to review here on the site. We did not receive any other type of compensation. The links in this post may be affiliate links.

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