March 2014 PopSugar MustHave Review and Coupon Code

We love PopSugar MustHave every month! We have been subscribing for a while, and it never disappoints! The value is always there, and I almost always love everything in my box! Check out our full video unboxing:

In our box this month:

March 2014 PopSugar MustHave

  •  Calbee Snack Salad Snapea Crisps Lightly Salted, 3.3 oz, Amazon per ounce value: $2.21
  • Baublebar Elephant Ring Holder, Web value: $12.00
  •  Dogeared Lucky Horseshoe Necklace Gold Dipped, Amazon value: $58.00
  • Active Forever Mini Fusion Exercise Ball, Web value, $9.95
  • Nature's Bakery Fig Bar, 2 oz, Amazon per ounce value: 6 cents (this is an incredible value for the bars as an add-on item!)
  • Jurlique Advanced Herbal Recovery Serum, .5 oz, Amazon per ounce value: $22.38
  •  Brokedown Womens Scarf, Amazon value (based on a similar style-- the one in the box was specifically for PopSugar MustHave): $39.99
  • Total value:$144.59. This is an AMAZING value for PopSugar MustHave which only costs $39.95 a month!!!! Use code MARCH10 to save $10 off of your first box!!!

    Just go to: to subscribe now (and remember to use the coupon code!)

    The links in this may be referral and/ or affiliate links. We only recommend products we think our readers will enjoy. As always, our experiences and opinions are our own.

    1 comment:

    1. Some amazing stuff! Unfortunately the Elephant Ring appears not to be available anymore. So Sad. On the brighter side, I have been looking for a disinfectant for my cell phone and tablet after seeing a news broadcast, indicating that our electronic devices carry a significant amount of communicable viruses and bacteria. I found these disinfectant wipes that are germicidal and disposable. These Super Sani-Cloth wipes are easy to use and effective against a host of viruses and bacteria. The material safety data sheet may be viewed by clicking the link.
