May Bluum Review

So sorry for such a late post on Bluum! We got busy around here with the start of summer! :)

This is my last month of Bluum, and boy am I glad!!! The month of May was about as good as any other month with Bluum-- although I did not get yet MORE Wedela samples! I apologize because the Applesauce that was included in the box was immediately devoured by my 1 year old, so it did not make the picture!

In this month's box:
  • Ella's Kitchen Applesauce Food Pouch-- Amazon Price: $1.85  My daughter did seem to enjoy it!
  • My Dentist's Choice Tooth Tissues-- 1 Wipe-- Yes, you read that right-- they included 1 wipe. Amazon values this at----24 cents. I did use it on my daughter and she HATED them. The taste must have been rather unpleasant. 
  • SuperGoop Sunscreen Wipe-- 1 Wipe--Yes, again, 1 wipe. Amazon values these at 85 cents a wipe. 
  • Palmer's Skin Care Therapy--a 2 fl oz bottle. VERY small. Amazon values it at (based on a per ounce value) $2.94
  • Green Babies Tearless Baby Me Shampoo and Wash- .17 oz-- Amazon values it at (based on a per ounce value) at 28 cents. They did include 2 (I think on accident), so this would be valued at 56 cents. 
When we add all of this up, the TOTAL is $6.44 and that is fairly generous. Bluum boxes are 12.00/ month (a fact you will not find on their website unless you subscribe), so this is, without a DOUBT NOT worth it! They seem to spend more time on their boxes and packaging than in the contents.


  1. Hi! I just started reading your blog and I love it. I have been a subscriber of Bluum ever since they started up and I was happy the first few months but I agree that their boxes are very disappointing recently. I want to cancel my subscription soon, too. It's nice to know I'm not the only one who has been disappointed by them.

  2. Thanks for stopping by! We are going to be launching many new things!
    My first box I was just ok with . . . but as it went along, I was just more and more upset.
    I was hoping they would get better as people left, but it does not sound like they have!
    You should check out Citrus Lane!

  3. I became a Bluum Mom through a Living Social deal, and thought it was a great concept. I was super excited and anxiously awaited my first Bluum box (which, by the way, arrived 2-3 weeks later than scheduled). However, my first box (January 2013) was extremely disappointing. I received a spoon shaped like an airplane, disposable bibs, a sample pack of wipes, and a coupon for the bibs. Really? My son is 5 months, so we aren't even using spoons yet, but this is a more advanced spoon anyways. Oh, there was also a sample packet of dehydrated food, which also seems to be more for an older child. It was nothing like the sample boxes shown online with lotions or oils and teethers and toys. Granted my membership for the quarter was about half the price of a regular membership, but I would think the boxes are the same if they want return customers. It seems my dollars were wasted and I will definitely NOT be renewing for full price and I will NOT be buying another subscription "deal" in the future, even at half price. I really wanted to like Bluum because I think the concept is great, but my experience was not one that I would want a friend to repeat (i.e. I will tell my Mom friends not to waste their time, money, and excitement).
