Read it Wednesday: The Fault in Our Stars

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Ok, this is an older book-- but if you have not read it yet--- well, you simply must. When you buy The Fault in Our Stars, buy Kleenex with the book. Seriously, you will need them. Lots and lots of Kleenex. When I read this, I was a complete puddle of tears. It was cathartic and healing.

To be honest, I was not expecting much from The Fault in Our Stars. As someone who has lost a close family member to cancer, I have received a TON of well meaning "cancer" books along the way.
But this was not a book about cancer. It is a book about love. About taking the risk to love. About knowing that there will be pain from that love, but still falling with every ounce of your being.
I read this book in one afternoon, but I have no doubt it will stay with me forever.

To those wondering, I have not seen the movie-- still. I want to set aside a time I can be a great big puddle of tears again.

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