$100 Amazon Gift Card and Qwikword T-shirt Giveaway

Let's gear up for the holidays!!! They are coming FAST!! 

Check out Qwikword which is a photo based site that is absolutely free to use. The photos are called "sparks" and it is a truly interactive experience. Sparklecore tested the site for herself and this is what she had to say: 

After checking out Qwikword for just over a month I can definitely say that it has potential! I started my trial by commenting on other peoples sparks (pictures) to see how they would respond. Honestly I didn’t get much response at all from the people who posted. That’s okay, I do me! lol I continued the trial by posting 8 makeup sparks (pictures) about 2 weeks ago and on those I got 27 responses. Not bad for a beta! It was really cool to see what the first word people thought of when they saw my work!
Although the site is not even fully launched yet I think they came out of the gate with a strong start! The ONLY complaint I have about Qwikword is that they don’t have a whole lot of users currently to keep the service robust. I would really love to see this platform take off and have a thriving community. It really is a fun interaction!

Enter below for your change to win a Qwikword T-shirt AND $100 Amazon Gift Card!


  1. Oh I think it looks so interesting!!! I think it has alot of potentional too, and hope it really takes off!

  2. It sounds interesting. I wonder if it'll really take off well though since there are several other photo sharing sites already. It doesn't sound original enough to me.

  3. Interesting, but seems unoriginal...they need to have something to set them apart:)
