Dememter for Mother's Day Review

Looking for the perfect scent for your mom? We loved reviewing some of the newest Demeter scents!

  • Flowering Tonka has an almost raspberry and spice scent to me. The scent was uplifting. We loved this story about the scent, "The Tonka bean played a role in South American pagan and occult traditions before finding fame in perfumery.  In addition to being used in an herbal tea to boost immunity, legend provides that holding the bean while whispering a wish will lead to its fulfillment." 
    So spray some on and make a wish!
  • Vanilla Cookie Dough smells EXACTLY like . . . well, Vanilla Cookie Dough. I cannot even express how happy this scent makes me. And the creator shares the perfect story for Mother's Day: "This is a special scent for me, inspired by a current experience, rather than a nostalgic memory.  My 13-year-old daughter recently discovered the wonders of edible cookie dough (no eggs), and in this fragrance I have tried to capture that experience.  For me, this scent will always define this special time in her life."
  • Oud is a more woodsy fragrance with some spicy undertones. It reminded me of being outdoors in the woods. 

You can check out all of the Demeter fragrances at:
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MamaBreak received these 3 new fragrances to review here on MamaBreak. We did not receive any other type of compensation. As always, our experiences and opinions are our own. 

1 comment:

  1. The Vanilla Cookie Dough sounds interesting! That would be a fun one to try. I love anything that has to do with cookie dough.
